Sofia Vergara plays Gloria. Modern Family DVD set employs an ensemble cast. The show revolves around three families that are interrelated through Jay Pritchett and his children, Claire Dunphy and Mitchell Pritchett. Jay Pritchett (Ed O'Neill), the patriarch, is married to a much younger woman, Gloria (Sofía Vergara), a passionate mother, who, with help from Jay, raises her son, Manny (Rico Rodriguez). Claire (Julie Bowen) is a homemaker mom married to Phil (Ty Burrell), a real estate agent and self-professed "cool dad". They have three children: Haley (Sarah Hyland), the stereotypical teenager, Alex (Ariel Winter), the smart middle child and Luke (Nolan Gould), the offbeat only son.Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), a lawyer, and his partner Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) have adopted a Vietnamese baby, Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons).